How to Care for a Skin Allergy
Things You'll Need
- Gentle skin cleanser
- Antihistamine tablet
- Cortisone cream
- Moisturizer or aloe vera gel
Wash the skin immediately with a gentle cleanser to remove any trace of the irritant. Make sure your hands are carefully washed and do not touch your face or eyes.
Take an antihistamine tablet, such as Benadryl. Antihistamines will stop your body from creating histamines, which fuel the skin allergy reaction.
Use a topical cortisone cream to sooth the skin. Cortisone cream can be purchased in over-the-counter strengths and will calm most skin irritations. If you are prone to skin allergies or irritations, it should be kept on hand.
Apply a gentle moisturizer to further calm and protect the skin as the irritation subsides. Avoid anything with harsh chemicals. Natural products, such as aloe vera gel, are your best option.
See your doctor immediately if symptoms persist or worsen. While most skin allergic reactions are not a problem, there could be complications that need to be taken care of immediately.