How to Prevent Allergies in Children
Breastfeed your infant for at least one year, if medically possible. If you cannot nurse, talk to your doctor about using a lactose-free (and possibly a soy-free) formula.
Avoid highly allergenic foods while nursing, such as tree nuts, peanuts, fish, eggs and milk.
Do not offer solids until your baby is about six months old.
Begin by introducing grains such as oatmeal, barley, or rice--leaving the highly allergenic wheat for later. Then move on to vegetables, and then fruits. Avoid citrus fruits and their juices. Between eight and nine months, you can start introducing meats and poultry.
Wait four or five days between introducing each food. That way, if your baby displays any possible allergic signs, you will be able to attribute it to a specific food. Talk to your doctor about reintroducing the food at a later time.
Avoid wheat, cow's milk and other dairy products until age one. Avoid egg whites until age two and peanut butter until age three.