Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

Sufferers of seasonal allergies have symptoms only during a certain part of the year. The spring and the fall are the two main seasons to have seasonal allergies, because it is at this time that plants are pollinating. Pollen or another allergen comes into contact with and irritates mucous membranes. Many of the symptoms of seasonal allergies are similar to a cold, so it is important to know the difference when deciding on a treatment.
  1. Runny Nose

    • The most common symptom of seasonal allergies is irritation of the sinuses, making them itchy. This leads to sneezing, a runny nose and congestion.

    Itchy Eyes

    • Red, itchy and watery eyes is a common symptom of seasonal allergies.

    Itchy Throats

    • Occasionally, people with seasonal allergies will have a throat or ears that itch intensely.

    Breathing Problems

    • Breathing problems can be a symptom of seasonal allergies including wheezing, shortness of breath and asthma.


    • Seasonal allergies can leave you feeling exhausted, due in part to dehydration caused by the runny nose and eyes. It is important to drink a lot of fluids if you have seasonal allergies. No fevers are associated with seasonal allergies.


    • Seasonal allergy symptoms can be treated with medications including antihistamines. If seasonal allergies are severe, you can get prescription medications or undergo immune therapy (also known as allergy shots) to help find relief.

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