Allergy Symptoms
Skin Reactions
Many allergic reactions involve skin rashes, hives and itchiness. In some cases, the skin can peel or flake.
Edema or swelling can occur almost anywhere. The face, tongue and throat are common areas, as are the sites of insect bites.
Sneezing is a common symptom of hay fever, along with itching and runny nose.
Nasal congestion occurs frequently with hay fever and some food allergies.
Eye Reactions
Some allergy reactions make the eye swollen, itchy, red and/or watery.
Respiratory Problems
Wheezing and shortness of breath are common symptoms. Coughing and tightness in the chest also occur.
Extreme Symptoms
With anaphylaxis, there could be loss of consciousness, feeling faint, swollen airways, nausea, vomiting and rapid pulse.