Symptoms of Milk Allergies
Time Frame
A sufferer can experience symptoms immediately to several hours later, depending on their sensitivity. If reaction is severe, keeping an Epi-pen (epinephrine) on hand is essential. It is one of the aspects of living with a milk protein allergy and can save a life.
Symptoms of a reaction can start with abdominal cramping, diarrhea or hives. Nausea and vomiting follow. In severe cases, allergy sufferers experience shortness of breath and or swelling of face, lips, mouth, throat, or tongue.
The only treatment for a milk protein allergy is total avoidance. Steer clear of all milk products or foods made with milk products. In severe cases, the sufferer must stay away from any products processed on milk machinery. Read package labels carefully for allergen information. Be especially aware of homemade goods and eating out. Not everyone understands what constitutes a milk allergy.
A milk protein allergy strongly differs from lactose intolerance. The allergen attacks the immune system. The protein is absorbed into the blood stream as if it were a toxin. The resulting symptoms are the body's way of fighting off the contaminant.
Milk and butter are easy to substitute in recipes. Several milk alternatives are available. Look for Earth Balance, Soy Dream, Rice Dream, Zen Soy, and Soy Delicious . Products derived from rice or soy such as milks, desserts and "dairy" can be found in the grocery aisles right alongside milk products.