How to Treat Nasal Congestion with Natural Home Remedies

Treating nasal congestion can be done with traditional medication, but as more people are making the shift to a more natural and healthy way of living, there are many who seek ways to treat nasal congestion with natural home remedies. Using natural remedies allow a person to treat ailments without the use of potentially-toxic medications and side effects. Here are some ways you can treat sinus congestion with natural home remedies.


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      Take a hot shower. The heat and steam help open up the sinuses and sinus passages. In the shower, apply oil (you can use baby oil or an essential oil) to your finger tips. Massage the sinuses (forehead, between eyes, cheekbones). The massage coupled with the heat will open up the sinuses.

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      To steam your sinuses without wasting water, fill a sauce pan with water, and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat a little, and place your head over the pan. Inhale deeply. Have a box of Kleenex handy, to clear the sinuses once they have opened up.

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      Use a neti pot to irrigate your sinuses. Neti pots are a tool of Indian Ayurvedic medicine. Using warm saline solution (which you can mix up at home), you will rinse out your sinuses, enabling them to open up.

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