Symptoms of Allergy to Whey
Origin of Symptoms
Woman with upset stomach The immune system sees the protein in the whey as a disease, like a virus and attacks it. The problem with most whey allergies is that the reaction is exaggerated. Chemicals are produced in an effect to defend the body against the intruders. It is the body’s reaction to these chemicals that causes whey allergy symptoms. A sufferer can experience the allergy moments after ingesting whey products or several hours later. Each body react differently. In addition, the allergy can affect one or more body systems at a time.
Digestive System Reaction
Alka seltzer Like a people with lactose intolerance, milk allergy sufferers experience several unpleasant symptoms within the digestive system. Issues like diarrhea, cramps, bloating, vomiting and nausea are all symptoms of a whey allergy. They can arise immediately after eating the whey in cow’s milk or hours later. While the lactose intolerant can take a supplement to ease digestion, the only way to stop these symptoms in a person with a whey allergy is to stop eating it.
Respiratory System Reaction
Woman sneezing A whey allergy shares symptoms with others of the seasonal variety as well. Sneezing, itchy eyes that water, coughing and even a runny nose are all respiratory symptoms of a whey allergy. An asthma attack may also be triggered by the whey allergy. Unlike most seasonal allergies—especially those to common grasses and trees--a whey allergy can be avoided.
Integumentary (Skin) System Reaction
Woman scratching her head Common allergic reactions to many other products affect the skin much like the whey allergy does. Symptoms like eczema, hives and other rashes may appear alongside other symptoms or alone. Some people also experience swelling around their mouths, accompanied by redness in the area.
Systems in Overdrive
Patient being rushed to ER In some cases, the body systems become overloaded with the chemical resulting from the allergy. These people experience a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. The reaction includes swelling inside the mouth, throat and airways so much so that air cannot get to the lungs. If proper emergency drugs, like an epinephrine inject, aren’t administered quickly, the person could die. Another system, the cardiovascular system, is also affected during anaphylaxis. The blood pressure becomes very high because of the other extreme reactions, and often causes dizziness and fainting. Again, drugs must be administered quickly to avoid a fatality.