How to Use the Drug Claritin
Make a doctor's appointment to find out if Claritin might be an answer for your allergic reactions. See a physician who is familiar with your medical history or one that does the appropriate pre-testing before prescribing the medication.
Make yourself aware of the drug's liabilities. Claritin is not recommended for people who are allergic to desloratadine, loratadine or phenylalanine. If you are uncertain about allergies seek testing from a qualified physician. Claritin is not recommended for individuals with kidney or liver disease; or women who are pregnant or plan to become pregnant while taking the medication. It is also not recommended for those who are still nursing since the drug can be passed on through the breast milk. The drug is rarely prescribed for children under the age of six.
Note the drug's interaction issues. Claritin should not be taken along with the antibiotic erythromycin or in conjunction with antacid products containing cimetidine. One drug counteracts loratadine while the other increases its effects. Neither effect is advised.
Study the drug's typical side effects, which can include dry mouth, drowsiness, fatigue, and headache. Do not drive or operate heavy or otherwise dangerous equipment while taking Claritin if it makes you sleepy. Be aware, that in rare cases, an extreme fatigue side effect can make it difficult to function normally. In rare cases, other symptoms like a hoarse voice or dried out nose can also occur.
Watch for other less typical side effects like confusion or disorientation; convulsions or tremors; notable depression; lower back pain; and massive mood swings. Call your physician and make him aware of the problems that you experience so that he can gage how dangerous the condition could be.
Seek immediate medical care if you experience any of these dangerous side effects: blurred vision; cramps, diarrhea, or stomach pain; dizziness or fainting; extreme anxiety accompanied by insomnia; irregular or rapid heart beat; nervousness; sudden rash or swelling; severe urine retention; weakness in the limbs; or wheezing and difficulty breathing.
Take the dosage amount prescribed for you. Claritin comes in regular pill form, in dissolving and chewable tablets and in syrup form. Dosages usually range between 5mg or ml (in syrup form) to 10 mg. Generally a single dose of the medication is all that is needed each day. An overdose of the drug could be dangerous. Smaller amounts of the drug may be prescribed for children under the age of six.
Store the medication according to the bottle's instructions. Tablets should be stored in a dark cool place will a temperature no higher than 85 degrees Fahrenheit and no lower than the freezing point. Syrup needs to remain a bit cooler and should be kept between 36 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
Report an overdose to poison control center at (800) 222-1222 if you cannot get to an emergency room quickly. Otherwise, report there as soon as possible.