How to clean your nose
I have been an allergy sufferer for years and tried everything under the sun from Flonase to Affrin to Nasonex. It seems as though all these medications give temporary relief however once the medication wears off your back on the cycle of drugs.
If your tired of taking a plethora of medication just so you can breath clearly in both nostrils here is the answer to your prayers.
Things You'll Need
- netti pot
- water
- salt
Netti pots are really the cure all for most nasal issues. A netti pot is nothing more than a small tea kettle that you use to flush out all the crap that gets stuck on to the lining of the inside of your nose. It's this collection of debris that causes nasal inflammation, infections and congestion. For step one go online and invest in a netti pot. They are dirt cheap and worth more than all the medications you buy from the grave robbing pharmaceutical companies. The picture on the left is one I bought at rite aid for 11.89
* Each netti pot should come with a packet of salt, if not you can use table salt as an alternative. The reason behind the salt is because the inside of your nose has a certain acidity content called a ph balance. If the ph balance if off you will start to feel a burning sensation, similar to when you get water in your nose while in a pool. With a little bit of salt the burning sensation will not occur because the salt content of the water is the same ph as the moisture content of the inside of your nose.
Once you fill up your netti pot stand over a sink and put the spout in one nostril and tilt your head to the side and allow the water to create a vacuum inside your nose. This vacum will clean the inside of your nasal cavities and carry away any gunk or mucus trapped bacteria.
If you start to feel the water going down your throat either tilt your head down more or just open your mouth and allow the water to go out. At first this feels weird because your first reaction is freak out when water is in your nose, however because the water is the same PH balance as your nose it should not sting at all.