How to Recognize Poison Ivy
Things You'll Need
- Ability to count
Watching out for Poison Ivy all summer can save you a lot of time and distress. Not to mention the painful and burning itch.
Poison Ivy is a three leaf plant that often grows on trees or houses as well as along wooded areas.
Study the images provided and share them with your loved ones especially before an outdoor trip.
Find some near your home and show your children how to count the three leaves and recognize it by shape so they can avoid it when they are on their own as well.
While some people have very mild to no reaction to Poison Ivy others may experience itching, burning, redness,and even tiny blisters on the skin in the affected area. Treatment varies from at home remedies such as a baking soda and white vinegar pastes, and over the counter creams and ointments.