How to Identify an Alcohol Allergy
Having an alcohol allergy is possible but not typical. Usually a reaction to alcohol is caused by ingredients in the drink, like sulfites, malt and other additives, like yeast. According to the Mayo Clinic, allergies happen when your immune system identifies something you consume as dangerous, then your body works to get rid of it. Your body already produces certain alcohols and that's just one reason alcohol allergies are rare. Sulfites, chemicals found in wine and some beers, are known to trigger asthmatic reactions in people. Nausea, rashes, swelling, diarrhea and vomiting, are other signs you are allergic to something in your drink. More common than an alcohol allergy, is an alcohol intolerance, which means you are ultra-sensitive to the effects alcohol has on your body, and would experience dehydration, nausea or headaches. If you are allergic to alcohol itself, you can experience many of these same symptoms, and should seek immediate medical attention.Instructions
If after having a drink, you break out in a itchy rash or you have swollen skin, you may be allergic. The skin is your body's largest organ and one way that the immune system pushes foreigners out. Often, hives happen when your body processes the alcohol and produces an overabundance of chemicals to break down the alcohol. Sometimes breaking out in hives or swelling after a drink is a signal of another illness that is being exacerbated by alcohol. Also, some alcoholic beverages contain histamines, which are produced from yeast and bacteria during the fermentation process. Histamine is the same chemical released by cells during an allergic reaction. Itchy hives can be caused by an excess amount of histamine in the body, too.
Notice if you start wheezing or coughing a lot. Troubles with your respiratory system are often due to chemicals called sulfites, which naturally occur in wine and are sometimes added as a preservative to other alcoholic beverages and foods. Sulfites are known to trigger asthmatic reactions.
See if you experience nausea, abdominal pains or vomiting. Naturally, this is a sign you are drinking more than your body can process. But these reactions can also tip you off to another more serious ailment. If you have one drink and experience these symptoms, this could be a sign of an allergy or something more serious.
Assess if you are feeling lightheaded and have a rapid heartbeat. These are other symptoms of an allergic reaction or intolerance to alcohol. If you experience this, sit down, rest and drink some water. Seek medical help if the symptoms continue, or if you feel like passing out. These symptoms are also a sign that you've had way too much so stop drinking.
Be aware if you experience severe pain after drinking alcohol. This is a sign of something underlying, such as Hodgkin's disease. If you experience this or other unusual symptoms, see a doctor.