How to check the pollen and allergy levels in your area
Things You'll Need
- Computer
- Internet
Have problems with sneezing, itchy eyes, nagging cough, or other possible allergy symptoms? There is a great way to check the current and forecasted allergy levels in your area.
Go to
On the homepage you will see the map of the entire United States. The dark green is the lowest pollen counts, and the red is the highest. Hopefully you aren't near any orange or red areas if you are allergic!
From the main page you can click on the state you live in to get a more local look. Once you have clicked on your state, either type in your zip code or click on the city nearest to you.
The allergy alert four day forecast will then show you the forecasted allergy pollen level for today as well as the next four days. It also tells you the predominant pollens that are out, so if you know what you allergic to and you see it out, you can be prepared!
I advise allergy sufferers to use this website to see what days would be best to open up the house and let in some fresh air. I do this myself. It isn't wise to leave the windows open on high pollen count days, but those lower pollen counts give you a great opportunity to let the air in!