How to Prevent Sinusitis

You can function with sinusitis – at home, at work, at school – but it’s not easy. From headaches and fever to fatigue and sleeplessness, sinusitis slowly takes its toll. The following steps not only help prevent sinusitis, but promote overall good health too.


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      Take care of allergies and colds. Sinusitis is an inflammation of your sinuses caused by viral, bacterial and fungal infections. Get rid of the infection as soon as possible to prevent sinusitis for setting in.

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      Stay hydrated. Your immune system functions best when you’re getting plenty of water to drink. That means eight 8-ounce glasses a day.

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      Use a humidifier. The moister the air in your home, the more easily your sinuses can drain.

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      Take hot showers. The steam will help keep your throat moist and loosen any mucus in your sinuses.

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      Protect yourself from strong, harsh fumes that can irritate the sinuses. If they are unavoidable, wear a safety mask.

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      Stop smoking. Smoke not only causes sinus congestion but prevents mucus from properly draining. That’s why so many smokers tend to have sinus problems.

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      Limit your consumption of dairy products. They not only thicken mucus, but also narrow your nasal passages.

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