How to Overcome Spring Allergies Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Wheatgrass juice
- B complex vitamin (15 to 50 mcg average)
- Vitamin E (500 mg)
- Vitamin C (1200 mg)
Get regular cardiovascular exercise three to five times a week for 30 to 60 minutes. Exercise helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system which helps to eliminate wastes from the body. Sweating speeds up the elimination process. Not only does exercise increase your energy and make you feel better in general, it is a great way to ease spring allergies naturally.
Keep a healthy diet which in turn will help your body to fight and resist allergens, reducing the strength of symptoms and helping you to cope with spring allergies. Saturated fats, food preservatives, fried foods and sugar are all inflammatory and can exacerbate symptoms. Instead, choose poultry protein sources, fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains.
Drink two cups of water for every 50 lb. of body weight, a great way to ensure that your body gets enough water not only to function properly but also to flush toxins and allergens from the system as quickly as possible. If you drink caffeinated beverages or eat a lot of salt, you should drink even more water to make up for the water-robbing effects of salt and caffeine.
Enjoy a 2-oz. shot of wheatgrass juice three or four times a week which helps your body to eliminate toxins and free radicals while boosting the immune system. It is an easy and natural way to help keep spring allergies at bay.
Boost your vitamins, a natural allergy treatment method which has proven effective for many people. Vitamins for allergies should include a B complex vitamin containing an average of 15 to 50 mcg per vitamin, a 500 mg supplement of vitamin E and a 1200 mg supplement of vitamin C. Vitamin E and C should be taken together with a meal to improve absorption, while B vitamins are water soluble and can be taken anytime.