How to Treat a Chicken Allergy Reaction
Treat a mild chicken allergy reaction by simply waiting it out. If your symptoms are mild, you may be able to simply rest and relax, allowing the allergens to work their way from your system naturally. Drink plenty of water and keep your body warm to help promote sweat and urination.
Take up to 2000 mg of Vitamin C beginning as soon as you realize you have ingested chicken, continuing until all of your symptoms have past. Vitamin C helps the body to remove toxins and other harmful agents and can help to lessen the symptoms of your allergies. If you experience an upset stomach after taking Vitamin C, take smaller doses multiple times throughout the day.
See a doctor as soon as possible, or even visit the emergency room if you have severe allergy reactions. While symptoms of chicken allergies vary greatly from one person to the next, for some, accidental ingestion of poultry products can mean anaphylactic shock. If you have difficulty breathing, headaches, dizziness or confusion, see a doctor for an allergy shot immediately.