How to Prevent Anaphylaxis
Identify factors that trigger an allergic reaction. Shellfish, nuts and dairy products can cause an allergic reaction. What’s more, insect bites can bring on a reaction. Endeavor to find the agents that trigger allergies. If necessary, keep a food or allergy journal. Record each reaction and determine the cause.
Spray insect repellent and cover your skin. If you’re allergic to insect bites, be sure to spray your skin with insect repellent. Moreover, if you plan on being outside for an extended period, wear long protected clothes to prevent an insect bite.
Stay away from foods that induce allergies. To prevent anaphylaxis, keep away from foods that trigger allergies. Also, attempt to get around handling or touching these foods. It only takes a small amount to produce a serious reaction.
Keep an emergency anaphylaxis kit with you. The best way to prevent a serious allergic reaction is to have an emergency kit. The anaphylaxis kit includes medications to counteract the reaction. At the first sign of a serious reaction, have someone inject the medicine into your leg or arm.
Take an antihistamine to prevent a reaction. If you accidentally eat foods that stimulate allergies, or you endure an insect bite, use an antihistamine to fend off a reaction.