How to Treat a Dust Allergy
Things You'll Need
- Patience
- Time (to identify the possible sources of dust mites in your home)
Treating A Dust Allergy
Avoid carpeting whenever possible. Carpet floors are a breeding ground for dust mites, as the carpet easily collects both dust and pet dander.
Avoid using soft porous furnishings. These can behave similar to carpet in that they can collect dust and animal hair/dander and become a breeding ground for dust mites.
Improve the ventilation in your home. Dust mites thrive in damp conditions and stagnant air. Possible treatments range from something as simple as opening a window, to installing HEPA filtered ventilation systems to keep the air flowing.
Reduce the humidity in your home by purchasing a de-humidifier. Dust mites and mold thrive in humid environments.
Invest in a HEPA filtered vacuum cleaner. Regularly vacuuming with a HEPA filtered cleaner will remove dust mites and other allergens from carpeting, and prevent these from escaping back into the air.
Install HEPA filters in your homes current HVAC system. This will substantially reduce the amount of dust circulating in the air inside of your home.
Consider getting help. Several companies make both chemical and non chemical dust mite killers. These may be beneficial if you have a large infestation, or are experiencing severe allergic reactions and need to take action quickly.