How to Identify Allergic Fungal Sinusitis
Things You'll Need
- a tissue
- a mirror
How To Identify Allergic Fungal Sinusitis
Take a deep breath. AFS can cause asthma-like symptoms. If you are suffering from AFS, you may have trouble breathing deeply or hear a rattling in your chest when you breath.
Blow your nose.AFS causes thick, sticky, yellow mucus to build up in nasal passageways and lungs. If your mucus fits this description, you may have AFS.
Analyze your allergies. Because AFS is an allergic reaction, many people attribute initial problems to seasonal or environmental allergies. However, if you suffer from allergies all year round regardless of location, you may be experiencing AFS.
Gently feel your nose. AFS can cause nasal polyps - small, sack-like growths inside the nose. If your nose is tender under gentle prodding or you can see the growths inside your nose, you may need to see a doctor to determine if you have this type of infection. Polyps can be removed with a simple, outpatient surgery.
Contact your doctor. If you have difficulty breathing, constant problems with allergies and believe these problems are caused by AFS, schedule an appointment with your doctor immediately. Left untreated, AFS can cause severe breathing issues and the fungal infection can spread to your lungs or brain. However, the condition can be controlled and sometimes cured with routine supervision and treatments.