How to Cope With Sinus Infections
Visit your doctor. While you can administer a number of home remedies to fight the symptoms, sinus infections usually need an antibiotic to clear up completely.
Sip a hot beverage. Warm drinks, such as coffee or tea, helps soothe the throat, which can often become inflamed from the infection. Breathing in the steam produced by the drink also helps clear stuffy nasal passages.
Stay hydrated. Sinus infections can dehydrate you, making your mouth feel dry. Drinking plenty of water and other clear liquids throughout the day helps your body fight the infection more effectively.
Invest in a saline nasal spray. These painless sprays, which can be found at drug stores, lubricate the inside of the nose with a saltwater solution, which soothes swollen and irritated nasal passages.
Eat healthy. Vitamins A and C are both beneficial in fighting sinus infections. These vitamins can be found in foods like eggs, carrots and tomatoes. Sticking to foods that are good for you also helps your body maintain the energy necessary to battle an infection.
Listen to your body. Since sinus infections are common, you may be tempted to go about your normal routine and deal with the inconvenience, but remember that this is an infection that can get worse if left untreated. If your sinus infection causes extreme fatigue or a fever, stay home and rest.