How to Protect Yourself From Dust Allergies
Things You'll Need
- Cleaning supplies
- Air purifier
Seek the advice of an immunologist or allergist as allergy tests and physical evaluation may prove useful. This will determine if other allergies are present, which is often the case, and help guide the doctor on the best treatment for your allergies. Allergy medications vary in their effectiveness on dust allergens as well as their potential for side-effects.
Avoid entering dusty environments when possible to best protect yourself from dust allergies. In addition to obvious culprits, such as attics and basements, use caution when visiting other people's homes, flea markets, garage sales, libraries, and other dust sanctuaries. If you need to enter a dusty environment, limit your exposure time, take allergy medication and/or use a dust mask as needed.
Make your home as dust free as possible. The severity of your dust allergies will largely determine the extent of the measures required. Carpets will need to be vacuumed more frequently or removed altogether. Books and papers may need to be sealed or kept to a minimum. Drapes should be dusted and steam cleaned regularly, if not kept to a minimum.
Work from top to bottom as you clean your house and let dust settle before you vacuum. Use treated fabric dusters that trap dust rather than feather dusters that simply displace it. Consider a high-power bagless vacuum cleaner designed to keep dust from recirculating into the air.
Use an air filtration system or air purifier to significantly protect yourself from dust allergies. If your budget is limited, buy one for the bedroom to start and later place one where you spend the most time. Clean and replace central air filters regularly and use HEPA filters for additional protection.
Protect yourself from dust allergies best by focusing on the worst trigger, the bedroom. Cover bedding supplies, such as the mattress, box springs and pillows with soft, flexible plastic or polyurethane. Dust the bedroom thoroughly and regularly to include the closet and under the bed. Store seasonal clothes and clean or eliminate curtains and other fabrics. Remove anything that has a musty smell and keep your dirty laundry sealed or out of the room.