How to Buy Allergy-Free Pets
Consider the hypoallergenic option. Hypoallergenic pet breeds will still produce allergens, but, due to their coat types, they typically produce low amounts. However, people with severe allergies and asthma can still be affected by a seemingly hypoallergenic pet.
Select cat breeds that produce fewer allergens, such as the Norwegian Forest cat. Consider the newer Allerca® breed, in which the gene that causes cats to produce allergens has been bred out. These allergy-free cats are expensive, and you may have to wait months to get one.
Notice the different types of fur when you buy a dog. Two coat types produce fewer allergens: single-coated dogs, which do not have a thick undercoat, and hairless dogs. However, even hairless dogs can produce enough dander to bother an allergic person. A popular breed of hairless dog is the American Hairless Terrier.
Buy a dog that does not shed. Some breeds, such as Yorkshire Terriers, have the same pH level in their fur as humans. This type of dog produces little to no dander. Poodles also don't shed much.
Consider reptiles or fish as your allergy-free pets. Buy these animals if you simply cannot deal with pet hair. These pets do not cause allergic reactions because they have scales rather than skin that can flake.
Buy a bird. Allergies to birds are less common than dog or cat allergies. However, note that some people can have an allergic reaction to birds. When a bird preens itself, or ruffles its feathers, the dander is sent into the air and can come into contact with your skin or lungs.