How to Treat Mold Allergies With Fluconazole
Things You'll Need
- Doctor's prescription
Visit your doctor to have allergy tests performed to identify your trigger. The doctor will perform scratch tests, blood tests, nose cultures or other tests to identify mold as the cause of your allergy before she will prescribe fluconazole or any other treatment.
Try over-the-counter medications before you move on to prescription remedies. Only use fluconazole to treat mold allergies after other methods have failed.
Follow the directions on the bottle and create a schedule for taking your fluconazole pill. Taking your medications at the same time every day will help form a habit and will maximize the effectiveness of your treatment.
Tell your doctor if you are taking any other prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications or supplements. Certain drugs, such as those for diabetes, can have potentially serious interactions with fluconazole.
Tell your doctor if you experience any severe side effects when using fluconazole to treat mold allergies.
Talk to your employer or insurance representative to see if the cost of fluconazole and the doctor's visit is coverage by your insurance to avoid excessive out-of-pocket expense.
Prevent and Treat Mold Allergies Naturally
Use diet and exercise to treat mold allergies. Diets rich in nuts, fruits and vegetables are shown to help prevent mold respiratory allergies. Avoid margarine, which is shown to have a direct relationship with allergy formation.
Inspect your home and the surrounding areas often for mold formation. Remove the mold safely with household cleaners or cut away the infected drywall or wood and throw it away.
Wear a mask or respirator when doing household chores and yard work like raking leaves. These are prime times when mold spores can be breathed in and you can reduce your risk of mold allergies by this one very simple precaution.
Use homeopathic treatments administered by a licensed, reputable practitioner rather than resorting to prescription medications if possible. These treatments are all natural and have been used for many centuries.