How to Make Nut Free Lunches
More and more children today have some form of a nut allergy. Some allergic reactions come from ingesting foods containing nuts or other legumes. Kids with the most severe allergies can't even be in the same room with a nut. Nut free schools are on the rise, so learning to make nut free lunches kids will eat is important.Instructions
Get a list from your school with "Off limits" items for your building. These can include sesame seeds, hummus and lentils depending on the severity of the allergy.
Ask parents of allergic kids to also provide a list of "nut free" brands they use at home. When choosing prepackaged lunch foods, birthday treats or party snacks, this is important.
Try a nut free alternative to peanut butter. Soy nut butter and sunflower butter have the same consistency with little difference in taste.
Get your kids eating other types of foods for lunch like fresh vegetables and dip.
Pack home baked cookies and brownies instead of prepackaged.
Offer roll up sandwiches like turkey, ham or chicken. These are fun to eat and provide high quality protein.
Choose hot foods in a thermos instead of the standard PB and J. After a few weeks of soy butter, your kids will welcome soup, stew or ravioli.