How to Treat a Latex Allergic Reaction
Keep away from items that are manufactured from latex. This is the simplest way to treat a latex allergy. Latex is used to make balloons, rubber gloves, condoms, baby bottle nipples and pacifiers.
Check all products for latex. If you are unsure whether a product contains latex or not, research it before you use it.
Gauge the severity of your symptoms if you come in contact with latex. If your allergy symptoms are mild, you may not need immediate medical attention. For a severe allergic reaction, you need to get help right away.
Use an Epi-Pen if you have been previously diagnosed. If you have seen a doctor in the past and have been diagnosed with a latex allergy, she probably gave you a self-injectable dose of epinephrine.
Take a dose of Benadryl. An antihistamine can help reduce common allergy symptoms, such as swelling, itchiness and hives.