How to Live With an Allergy to Peanuts
sensitive people, more and more peanut products are finding their way into
foods once considered safe. The only way to treat a peanut allergy is to
avoid any food containing peanuts.
Things You'll Need
- Acidophilus
- Food Enzymes
- Vitamin C
Avoid eating peanuts and all foods that contain peanuts. This includes peanut butter, chocolate bars with peanuts, and nut mixes that contain peanuts.
Read labels carefully. Peanuts are in a lot of products. Words like "hydrolyzed vegetable protein" or "ground nuts" may indicate peanut products.
Avoid marzipan, chili and egg rolls unless you know for a fact that they do not contain peanuts. Peanut butter is sometimes used to thicken chili and to seal egg rolls.
Be careful when eating Chinese and Thai cuisine. Many of these dishes feature peanuts or are cooked in peanut oil.
Avoid artificial or imitation nuts. They are usually made with peanuts.
Be careful with baked goods and candy. They often contain peanuts.
Avoid fumes from cooking with peanuts and avoid handling peanuts if you are severely allergic.
Add a supplement of vitamin C with bioflavonoids to your diet, 1,000 to 5,000 mg per day in divided doses, or quercetin, 500mg twice daily. These help your body cope with allergens, decrease inflammation and support the immune system.
Take acidophilus. Use according to product label. It helps digestion by maintaining healthy intestinal flora.
Use a multienzyme complex to help improve digestion. Use according to product label and take with meals.