How to Live With an Allergy to Shellfish
Things You'll Need
- Acidophilus
- Bromelain
- Food Enzymes
- Quercetin
- Vitamin C
Avoid eating all shellfish. This includes shrimp, clams, oysters, lobster, crayfish, mussels and snails.
Get tested first, before attempting to eat shellfish of an unrelated group. For example, you may be allergic to shrimp, but can still eat clams. Testing first will help you avoid a potential allergic reaction.
Read labels - particularly on processed Asian-style foods. Shellfish and fish are very popular in Asian cuisine. Check with the manufacturer if uncertain.
Ask at restaurants, particularly Chinese and other Asian cuisine, if an item is unfamiliar. Make sure that shellfish is not included in sauces and broths.
Ask how products are prepared at restaurants that offer shellfish. Both French fries and clams, for example, might be fried in the same oil.
Avoid handling shellfish. It can cause a reaction in sensitive individuals.
Limit exposure to cooking fumes. It can cause a reaction in sensitive individuals.
Add a supplement of Vitamin C with bioflavonoids to your diet, 1,00 to 5,000 mg per day in divided doses. Or try quercetin, 500 mg twice a day. These supplements help your body cope with allergens, decrease inflammation and support the immune system.
Take acidophilus according to product label. It helps digestion by maintaining healthy intestinal flora.
Use a multi-enzyme complex to help improve digestion. Use according to product label and take with meals.