What is a cold backed horse and what the cause of it?
A cold-backed horse is a horse that reacts negatively when touched or lightly stroked along the spine. They exhibit a strong reaction. This can range from slight muscle tension or flinching to extreme reactions, such as bucking or rearing, when being tacked up or even simply groomed.
What is the cause of a cold back in horses?
There are a number of potential causes of a cold back, including:
- Past injury or trauma: A prior injury or trauma can cause scarring or damage to the nerves that run along the spine, leading to sensitivity and pain.
- Muscle tension or spasm: Cold backs can also be caused by general muscle tension or spasm in the back muscles, which can range from mild to severe and can be caused by a number of factors such as poor saddle fit, improper training or exercise, or underlying health issues.
- Poor saddle fit: An ill-fitting saddle, especially one that puts too much pressure on the horse's spine or withers, can cause discomfort and pain, leading to a cold back.
- Skin irritation: Some horses may develop a cold back due to skin irritation, such as allergies or insect bites, resulting in hypersensitivity to touch in that area.
- Underlying health conditions: Certain health conditions, such as arthritis or spinal disease, can put pressure on the spine and cause pain, resulting in a cold back.
- Behavioral or psychological issues: Some horses may develop a cold back due to negative experiences or associations with being touched along the spine, leading to fear or anxiety in that area.
It's important to differentiate a cold back from a simple reaction to touch or grooming. If your horse is exhibiting signs of a cold back, it's important to consult an experienced veterinarian or equine professional to determine the cause and appropriate treatment. Addressing the underlying cause will help alleviate discomfort and improve the horse's well-being.