Why do some women get morning sickness when others
Hormonal changes
One of the primary causes of morning sickness is the rise in the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone is produced by the placenta and is responsible for maintaining the pregnancy. hCG levels increase rapidly in the early weeks of pregnancy and peak around 8-10 weeks, which corresponds to the time when most women experience morning sickness.
Increased sensitivity to smells
Another factor that can contribute to morning sickness is an increased sensitivity to smells. This hypersensitivity can be caused by the hormonal changes of pregnancy, particularly the rise in estrogen and progesterone. Certain odors, such as food smells, cooking smells, and perfumes, can trigger feelings of nausea and vomiting.
Changes in the digestive system
Pregnancy can also cause changes in the digestive system that may lead to morning sickness. These changes include:
* Increased production of saliva
* Slower emptying of the stomach
* Relaxation of the muscles at the lower end of the esophagus, leading to reflux and heartburn
These factors can contribute to feelings of nausea and vomiting.
Other factors
Several other factors have also been linked to an increased risk of morning sickness, including:
* Multiple pregnancies
* History of motion sickness or migraines
* Anxiety or stress
* Being overweight or obese
* Vitamin B6 or vitamin B12 deficiency
It is important to note that not everyone experiences morning sickness during pregnancy. Some women may experience mild symptoms that do not interfere with their daily activities, while others may experience more severe symptoms that require treatment. If you are experiencing severe morning sickness, it is important to talk to your doctor to discuss treatment options.