What can I do if my patient let me take his temperature?
- Wash hands and don nonsterile gloves.
- Select the appropriate oral thermometer.
- Assist patient to comfortable sitting position.
- Explain and demonstrate procedure.
- Place the probe under patient's tongue in the posterior sublingual pocket, close to lingual frenulam.
- Instruct the patient to keep mouth closed and breathe through nose while it measures.
- Ensure the probe remains under tongue during measurement.
- Remove and read the thermometer once the display screen stops flashing or when the "beep" sound is heard (if available) or after the designated amount of time has passed (as per the manufacturer's instruction)
- Discard the disposable probe cover or clean and disinfect the reusable probe according to manufacturer's guidelines.
- Wash hands.
- Document:
- Site
- Temperature: reading and unit (F or C)
- Date and time
Axillary Temperature
- Wash hands and don nonsterile gloves.
- Select the appropriate axillary thermometer.
- Assist patient to sitting or lying down position.
- Explain and demonstrate procedure.
- Remove the patient's clothing from affected axillary area.
- Ensure there is no clothing or obstruction under the arm.
- Wipe underarm area with dry towel to remove any moisture.
- Place the thermometer probe in the center of the axilla ensuring good skin contact and close the patient's arm across their chest.
- Ensure probe remains in the center of axilla during measurement.
- Remove and read the thermometer once the display screen stops flashing or when the "beep" sound is heard (if available) or after the designated amount of time has passed (as per the manufacturer's instruction).
-Clean and disinfect the reusable thermometer according to the manufacturer's recommendation..
- Discard the disposable probe covers.
- Wash hands.
- Document:
- Site
- Temperature reading and unit (F or C)
- Date and time.
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