How to Change a Core Belief
Things You'll Need
- Pen
- Notebook
- Hand mirror
Relection of thoughts and actions bring awareness into consciousness. Clean up the past in the subconscious mind by becoming aware of emotional attachment, limiting ideas and resistance to change. Procrastination and nonverbal action illustrate a negative belief system. Observation of thoughts and actions create a new awareness and foundation for change.
Journaling is a tool for developing core beliefs. Identify and record thoughts and beliefs in a notebook or journal. Write freely whatever comes to mind immediately on a topic of choice in a stream of consciousness manner. This essence of truth provides the root for release and basis to build upon.
Write positive new thoughts to alter old hypotheses. Reflect upon the focus of conception and thoughts contained in the notebook or journal. Assess and write new positive beliefs to override the original ones. Affirm and verbalize in the present tense to strengthen these changes in the subconscous mind.
Change your core beliefs with positive self talk in the mirror. Gaze into the mirror to repeat affirmations that enforce the positive power of replanting new beliefs. Completing this exercise in repetitions of 10 twice daily will ensure results. The reflection in the mirror illustrates the level of resistance or awareness experienced at the present time.