What Are the Causes of Motion Sickness on a Plane?
Air sickness is caused the same as all forms of motion sickness. Air sickness starts with overstimulation of the inner ear, where balance is controlled. This causes a variety of symptoms, including nausea and dizziness.-
Causes of motion sickness
Along with overstimulation, the brain will often receive conflicting information about movement from the eyes, ears and muscle receptors, all of which help detect movement. If the brain is unable to compensate for the motion, the result is vertigo, nausea and other symptoms of air or motion sickness.
Preventing motion sickness
You can help prevent the onset of motion sickness. When flying, request a seat over the wing or in the center of the plane, if possible. Eating soda crackers and drinking ginger ale during or before the trip can help.
Symptoms of motion sickness
Motion sickness can begin quickly. For most people that suffer from it, it starts with dizziness, nausea, headaches and cold sweats. Along with these symptoms, hyperventilation can occur, which can result in fainting. Vomiting is possible if the symptoms are not treated early.
Common treatments of motion sickness
Try to get as much fresh air as possible by opening vents or turning on the fan over your seat. Avoid moving your head and body around any more than necessary, and sit facing forward in a slightly reclined position. Do not drink alcoholic beverages.
Medical treatments for motion sickness
For extreme cases of motion sickness, there are medications available. Medical treatments include Cyclizine, Dimenhydrinate, Diphenhydramine, Meclizine, Promethazine and Scopolamine (in a patch or tablets). Visit your doctor before your trip to discuss treatment options if you suffer from extreme motion sickness.