Effective Communication With Dementia
Dementia is the loss of cognitive functions because of changes in the brain. These changes may be the result of disease or trauma. According to an article in the August 25, 2005, issue of the Senior Journal, low blood flow in the brain can cause dementia. In Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia, there is the build up of abnormal proteins which cause brain damage. The changes may happen slowly or quickly. The communication ability of persons with dementia gets worse as the disease progresses.
Cognition is the process of learning, thinking and perceiving. Many cognitive functions are affected by dementia. They include memory, reasoning, decision making, judgment, spatial orientation and communication. Every person with dementia has different combinations of cognitive difficulties depending on which part of his brain is damaged. The only common problem initially is loss of short term memory. As the disease progresses, most people with dementia experience communication difficulties.
Some people with dementia may have difficulty finding the correct word to use when they are trying to tell you something. Even though their speech may be fluent, it makes no sense. This is called expressive aphasia. Others with dementia may not be able to comprehend what you are trying to tell them. This is receptive aphasia.
As the dementia progresses, its victims lose their reading and writing ability which are also forms of communication. They often no longer understand the proper way to converse with you. They may cut off someone when they are speaking to them or not respond when they are spoken to.
When you are communicating with a person who has dementia, it is important to keep things in mind to make sure the dementia victim has the best chance of understanding you. Use short simple sentences. Talk about only one idea at a time. Make sure to allow plenty of time for the person with dementia to answer you. Remember, as the dementia progresses, it takes longer for the person to comprehend what you are saying. Make sure you address the person with dementia by name and tell him who you are. Do not ever make him guess. Never ask, "Do you remember?" Instead provide him with the relevant information.
Using body language is a good communication technique when you a conversing with someone who has dementia. Often you may have to use some facial expressions or hand gestures so that the person with dementia understands what you are trying to tell him. Often pointing to objects is necessary so the person with dementia can see what you are talking about. Sometimes, you may have to give him an object to hold so he will stay focused. Holding his hand may help as well.
The right environment is just as important as appropriate communication techniques when you are trying to have a meaningful dialog with a person who has dementia. There should be no competing noises, such as music, radio or a TV. Try not to move around as you speak to someone with dementia. Have a regular routine. This makes things less confusing and helps your communication be more successful. Also if you are repeating something because of lack of understanding, express it in the same way or simpler. It is important that everyone involved with the person who has dementia has the same style of communication.