Gadgets for Memory Loss in Seniors
Medication Dispensers
For seniors taking medications and suffering from memory loss, an automatic medication dispenser can do a world of good. Due to memory loss, she may forget a dosage or take too much medication when she does not remember taking that day's pills. A programmed automatic medication dispenser will open up when the day's medication is due and remain locked for the rest of the day. These dispensers are available at stores selling products for seniors and individuals suffering from Alzheimer's.
An unfortunate side effect to senior-related memory loss is forgetting the day, month or year. Due to the newer forms of technological advances, portable electronic devices for seniors help to remind them of important days and events. You can program these gadgets with appointments and important dates, as well as showing the current date and year. A calendar clock is another gadget helpful to a senior suffering from memory. These are typical wall or desk clocks with not only the time, but the current day and date which change automatically each day.
A portable GPS is gadget helpful to seniors suffering from memory loss. These are handheld devices with programmed addresses and destinations with easy-to-read maps as well as voice-activated directions. If you have a family member or friend who needs to be at a certain place and will be traveling alone, program the address into the GPS so that he will be able to make it there without getting lost.
Memory Picture Phone
Forgetting phone numbers is a common frustration of seniors with memory loss. Most phones have the ability to program numbers so that instead of remembering a 10-digit phone number, she will only have to remember one number. However even that may be difficult, which is where a memory picture phone comes in handy. These phones have four or five photos on the right side of the phone, large enough for a senior to see clearly. She only needs to pick up the receiver and push the picture of the person she wishes to call. Program the pictures with the phone numbers by following a few simple commands. They make excellent gifts for seniors.