How to Stop Memory Loss Dead in Its Tracks
Don't try to multitask. Multitasking can cause fragmented thinking patterns. If you have several things you need to do, don't try to do them all at once. Focus on one area of thinking at a time, and don't allow yourself to start something new before you have completed your current task. For example, if you are cleaning the kitchen don't let mail and reminder notes on the counter start you on to a different task. Put the reminders on your desk and continue to work on the task at hand. After you are finished cleaning the kitchen move to your desk where you can focus on reminders, calls, bills, etc. Set up certain times of the day to complete certain tasks and remain committed to those appointments with yourself. This will relieve the pressure of trying to remember too many different categories throughout the day. Stay true to the schedule you have created for yourself and your brain will stay in good working condition.
Learn to enjoy crossword puzzles and other brain teasers. If you have never enjoyed trying to unlock the mystery of the crosswords in the newspaper, now might be a good time to open up Sunday's paper and give it a try. Studies have shown that those who challenge the brain regularly are less likely to struggle with memory loss, or develop dementia. If you don't enjoy crosswords, try other brain teasers such as Suduko or bridge. Find a brain challenging activity that you enjoy and stick to it. Your brain will remember to thank you later.
Learn something new. If you have always wanted to play the piano, ride a horse, or learn how to paint, now is a good time to explore your interests. Not only will you relieve the stress in your life, you will rewire your brain, which is crucial to good brain health. The brain has neuropathways that will continue to rewire themselves in response to your new information, and you will be able to remember more, allowing your brain to work for you instead of against you.
Make time to meditate. It is important to funnel the negative energy that often comes with responsibilities and work. Learn how to sit down and clear your mind. In doing so you will be able to release the stress of your workday and open yourself up to positive energy. Meditating on a regular basis will also give you better coping skills and likely improve the relationships in your life.