Memory Loss Activities
Aging is inevitable, but how the process is experienced can be shaped by choices. Two weapons in the arsenal against memory loss are knowing some of the causes of memory loss and taking preventive steps against the adversary. Advanced age, Alzheimer's disease, head trauma, smoking and alcohol or drug abuse are some causes of memory loss, according to the Stop Memory Loss website. Learning to use simple cognitive exercises can deter future memory loss, advises. Mental activities as simple as reading magazines or crafting may delay or prevent memory loss.-
Enable Focus
Being able to focus is prerequisite to engaging in any memory activity. In order to focus, the room's setting must be conducive to the activity. Extraneous stimuli such as background noise and visual distractions must be eliminated.
Paticipate in Mental Activities
A Mayo Clinic study included two groups of people, ages 70 to 89. One group had mild memory loss and the other group had no memory loss. Both groups were asked questions about their daily activities within the past year and when they were between 50 to 65 years old. Participants who had engaged in reading books or playing games and participating in computer activities or crafts exhibited a 30 to 50 percent decrease in the risk of experiencing memory loss compared to people who did none of these activities.
Increase Auditory Memory
Utilize audio books to increase auditory memory, Stop Memory Loss suggests. Listen to recordings of radio programs from the golden age and assess your memory by stopping the program at intervals to test memory for what has already transpired in the program or book. Many radio stations reserve time for a top 10 countdown of songs. Listen to the program and test your memory each week.