Signs of Senility
Personality and Mood Changes
Dementia often leads to personality and mood changes. For example, people often become irritated, angry or frustrated. They may become jealous or paranoid, and may experience mood swings. Other symptoms include insensitivity to others and fear of being alone.
Communication Difficulties
Dementia can cause difficulties in communication. People may have trouble finding a correct word, use words incorrectly, have difficulty following conversations or repeat questions over and over.
Dementia can cause time, place and person disorientation. People suffering from dementia can get lost in familiar places, like their own street. They can also completely lose their sense of time, since they cannot process information. Eventually, individuals with dementia may not recognize familiar people, including family members and close friends.
Misplacing Objects
People with dementia may misplace objects and then not be able to find them again. Often they put things in the wrong place; for example, they may leave their shoes in the refrigerator.
Difficulties with Normal Tasks
Dementia can make everyday tasks difficult or impossible. For example, people with dementia may be unable to cook a meal or throw things away. They may be unable to make connections on concrete or abstract levels. Loss of initiative and being unable to start or finish a project are also signs of senility.
Memory Loss
Dementia also causes memory loss. Although everyone forgets things from time to time, people suffering from dementia forget things frequently so that it interferes with normal functioning. For example, they may repeatedly ask the same question or forget how to use everyday objects.