How to Spot Alzheimer's Disease Early Symptoms
Memory Loss
Watch for memory loss that begins to happen more frequently. Memory loss is one of the most common symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, especially in the early stages. Alzheimer's is more than simple forgetfulness. Everyone experiences some level of forgetfulness, especially when stressed or in a rush. As illustrates, "Alzheimer's isn't losing your car keys. It's having your car keys in your hand and not being able to remember what you use them for."
People who suffer from Alzheimer's disease will display symptoms of confusion and disorientation. They may become confused with dates and times. They may repeat sentences or questions during a conversation. People with Alzheimer's disease may also forget recent conversations altogether, as well as names and recent events. They may get lost or disoriented in familiar surroundings, such as forgetting the way to the local grocery store that they visit often.
Difficulty Concentrating
People with early stage Alzheimer's may exhibit difficulty in focusing on normal tasks that require concentration, such as paying the monthly bills or balancing the budget. They may experience difficulty following simple directions for a recipe, a game or other activity. Although a person in the early stage of Alzheimer's is still able to function independently, memory loss and signs of confusion are creating more of a challenge in daily life.
Mood Swings
People who are suffering from Alzheimer's disease might become withdrawn. They often lose interest in activities they once enjoyed. They may stop participating in hobbies or activities because they are experiencing memory loss or difficulty performing the actions. They may forget to eat or have difficulty sleeping. A person with early stage Alzheimer's may become irritable or frustrated due to memory loss or inability to perform a routine task.
More Signs
Early signs of Alzheimer's also include loss of social skills, inability to learn new information and difficulty with language, such as pronunciation of certain words or remembering the names of familiar objects. People with early stage Alzheimer's have problems with perception and might have difficulty judging distance or determining colors. They often begin to exhibit poor judgment such as in handling money or financial situations. Their ability to learn becomes slower and so does their reactions. They may become angry because they are not communicating effectively or have difficulty understanding material. People with Alzheimer's disease slowly decline in self-care and grooming habits. As the disease progresses, they may forget to eat, bathe or take their medication.