Dementia Alternative Remedies
Homeopathy is one alternative option for treating dementia. Homeopathic medicine is based on the idea that like heals like. This means that trace amounts of disease-causing agents may be used to treat the specific disorder. In the case of dementia, substances such as silica, cicuta, alumina, helleborus, and argentum nitricum may be used in treatment. Homeopathic specialists determine the method of treatment after careful consideration of the patient's physical and psychological condition. Homeopathy is a delicate science and should not be used as a method of self-treatment in any circumstances. If you are interested in trying homeopathic medicine as a treatment for dementia, consult a professional.
Some holistic physicians may take a nutritional approach to treating dementia. These physicians argue that proper amounts of essential nutrients in the body can help reduce some symptoms or slow the progression of dementia. A special diet may be prescribed as well as nutritional supplements containing nutrients such as antioxidants, B vitamins, Vitamin E, Zinc and essential fatty acids.
Herbal Remedies
Herbal remedies are yet another alternative medicine option for treating dementia. Gingko biloba is among the most promising herbal remedies for dementia. This herb is thought to increase blood circulation to the brain, improving memory problems. Other herbs which may be used to treat dementia include lemon balm, American ginseng, and bacopa. Herbal remedies have the benefit of being completely natural, but natural does not always mean that the remedies are safe for everyone. Many herbs can cause dangerous interactions with other herbs and medications. For this reason, herbal treatments should be prescribed only under the guidance of a physician or herbal practitioner.