What Is an Alzheimer's Support Group Meeting?
Support Groups for Patients
Alzheimer's support groups for patients exist in nearly every major metropolitan area. These groups are for patients in the early to moderate stages of the disease. Patients discuss everything from stories to new medicines available to treat the disease.
Supports Groups for Caregivers
Dealing with an Alzheimer's patient can take an immense emotional and physical toll on the caregiver. Support groups don't necessarily focus on the manifestations of the disease, but how to overcome the emotional toll that it takes. Many caregivers form bonds with other caregivers, providing a pillar of emotional support for one another.
Finding a Group
Support groups for caregivers and patients exist throughout the county. The Alzheimer's Association provides a link to the group closest to you.
The benefits of attending and joining a support group are impossible to calculate. These groups provide patients and caregivers a forum to address any questions or concerns they may have about the disease.
Facts About Alzheimer's
The total number of patients is reported to be 35 million worldwide; this number is expected to grow to 105 million by 2050.
An estimated 3 percent of patients have been living with the disease for more than 14 years.