Prevention of Alzheimer's Using Vitamin C
Vitamin C is most commonly studied in conjunction with vitamin E when examined in regard to Alzheimer's prevention. The two vitamins, when used together, have shown a possible improvement in the prevention of this debilitating disease.
In 2005, an observational study was conducted that showed supplementation with 400 IU of vitamin E and 500 mg vitamin C per day reduced the frequency of Alzheimer's occurrence among subjects.
In 2004, a study showed that use of vitamin C in conjunction with vitamin E could be associated to Alzheimer's prevention, but that neither vitamin alone showed significant improvements in Alzheimer's occurrence. Those who performed the study believe 400 to 1,000 IU of vitamin E and 500 to 1,500 mg of vitamin C are the most effective doses.
The exact effectiveness of vitamins C or E in preventing Alzheimer's cannot be measured until a controlled clinical trial can be performed.
Vitamin C and Alzheimer's Treatments
In 2002, vitamin C was found to be effective in boosting the effectiveness of Alzheimer's treatments in those who already had the disease. The body has a natural defense that protects the brain from harmful influences, so getting enough Alzheimer's medication to the parts of the brain that need it sometimes can be difficult. However, this 2002 study found that the addition of vitamin C to Alzheimer's treatments helped more of the medication to pass through this barrier and make it to the correct areas of the brain.
Although supplements can be a good way of adding more of vitamins C and E to a diet, the most effective way to get enough of any vitamin is by eating foods that contain it.
Vitamin C is typically found in its highest concentrations in fruits such as oranges, papayas, grapefruits, strawberries and kiwifruit. It also can be found in vegetables such as brussels sprouts and broccoli.
Vitamin E is highly prevalent in wheat germ oil and also is found in nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts and peanuts. Spinach and broccoli also are good sources of vitamin E.