Signs & Symptoms of End Stage Alzheimer's
End stage patients often get confused on dates and years. They may believe that they are back in a certain time in their lives, or not know what's the year or month they are currently in.
At this late stage of alzheimer's, patients tend to forget who their loved ones are and will have to be reminded often. They no longer recognize their own children or siblings, which can be painful to those who are not being remembered.
Self Care
At this final stage, patients are no longer able to care for themselves to eat or bathe and are totally reliant on others to care for them.
Verbal Skills
There is a major loss in the ability to speak. Patients typically have difficulty eating and swallowing as well.
During the final stage of Alzheimer's, patients experience various mood swings. They will generally hallucinate or become delirious.
Because of the cells of the body have continued to degenerate, the body's organs begin to fail as does the ability to fight off germs and disease. Many patients die from pneumonia or infections that the body was unable to fight off.