Activities for Alzheimer Sufferers
Choosing Your Activities
Whether you are choosing an activity for a loved one with Alzheimer's or for an Alzheimer's patient in a nursing facility, you need to consider his personal interests, likes and dislikes. If he doesn't like the activity, he will become frustrated, which may lead to agitation, the very behavior you are trying to avoid.
You also need to take into account the stage of Alzheimer's disease he is in. If he is in the earlier stages of the disease, choosing an activity too simplistic may be demeaning to him and hurt his self-esteem. On the other hand, if he is in the later stages of the disease, choosing a more complicated activity can lead to feelings of inadequacy, resulting in frustration.
Provide Balance
Balance is extremely important when planning activities for an Alzheimer's patient. Though your goal is to provide a variety of stimuli to keep her busy and her mind occupied, you must be careful not to overdo it. Too much stimulation at once can result in stress and cause outbursts. You don't need to rush from one project to another; simply observe her reaction to certain activities and take note of what she enjoys and what she does not. If there is one activity she enjoys for long periods of time, allow her to continue with it until she has lost interest.
Plan Your Day
Once you know what activities your Alzheimer's patient enjoys doing, you can plan your day with him. This will help make your day with him run smoother, help prevent you from having to fill in with spontaneous activities he may not react well to and provide a structured environment he feels secure in. Alzheimer's patients like routines and are usually upset by change. This can be avoided by planning your day.
Activities to Consider
Music is a wonderful activity for most Alzheimer's patients. No matter what stage she is in, music will help improve her mood and increase her alertness, especially if it's music from her era. It also can have a calming effect on her when it's time to perform tasks she may not enjoy, such as bathing and dressing.
Looking at family photographs is another activity that helps stimulate the mind of an Alzheimer's patient. She may not remember moments from the immediate past, but photos from her younger years may spark a memory that is near and dear to her heart.
Crossword puzzles, card games and jigsaw puzzles are good options for those who are in the early stages of the disease and are still fairly lucid. These activities will help keep her mind active and may slow the progression of the disease.
Helping with household chores is another activity that many Alzheimer's patients enjoy, even if it's just folding towels or dusting. This activity can be performed by patients who are in nearly any stage of the disease, and it helps occupy both her hands and mind while helping her feel useful and needed.