How to Help Prevent Early Onset Dementia
Live a calm yet outgoing lifestyle with an active social life. Studies have shown that those who make this one area of their live a priority are fifty percent less likely to develop dementia.
Find work in a profession that brings you in contact with a lot of people. Skip on the job in the back room and move to the front desk. Much like step 1, studies have shown that if your job makes you interact with people regularly you are 34 percent less likely to develop dementia in your lifetime.
Early onset dementia and has been linked closely with obesity. Make it a point to eat better and work out more often. Keeping those extra pounds off your waistline will keep your risk level of contracting early onset dementia in the normal range. Those who are obese have been shown to get dementia three times as often as those who are thin. This step will not only help prevent early onset dementia but it will also make your life better all around.
Take steps to lower inflammation in your body. Ironically simply not flossing very often is enough to increase you bodies inflammatory responses. In time this can lead to an increased risk for dementia and a decline in mental function.
Eat more fish. Fish has been shown to help prevent early onset dementia by helping to repair the miscellaneous damage inflicted on the brain over the course of a normal life time. All those bumps of the head, migraines, etc. that wear down your brain are less significant if you eat fish more often.