Activities for Alzheimer's Patients
Physical Activities
There are many activities people with Alzheimer's can do. Physical activity is a very important part of anyone's life; it is especially important if you suffer with degeneration problems of the mind. Physical activities help with blood pressure, proper blood flow, blood sugar, weight gain, and keeping the mind active and sharp. Physical activity for Alzheimer's patients doesn't have to be strenuous. You can help your loved one get involved with swimming, shuffle board or yoga. There are exercise classes at places like the YMCA, or you can simply take daily walks around the neighborhood.
Hobbies have long been enjoyed by many people. They can be relaxing, as well as an active part of your life. If you suffer from Alzheimer's, you can try to stay active with your favorite hobby or get started with a new one. Gardening is a great hobby that helps you to use your mind as well as your physical body, which is good for exercise. Try to stay interested in reading if you like to read. You can do this by going to the library regularly to pick out new books, or go to a local bookstore. If you like to draw or paint, get the supplies you need and set up a space at home to do it. If you like to fix things or work on cars, create an area where you can continue to work on your hobby. Whatever the hobby is, continue working with it so you can stay active.
Mental Activities
Keeping active will not only help keep your mind strong, but it can help ward off problems such as depression. Mental activities can include getting involved in doing such things as number puzzles, or word puzzles in the newspaper. Stay involved in many different mental tasks and encourage yourself to accomplish these tasks on your own. Household tasks that you should encourage yourself to do include paying your own bills. Figure out the payments then mail them out. Keep trying to buy your own groceries so you can figure out money issues and how to make general payments. You can also take time to work on simple math problems, as well as buy games involving numbers. Or you can help your grandchildren with their math homework. And to keep yourself feeling worthy and needed, let your family know that you are still there for them, even if you just offer a shoulder to lean on.