Alternative Treatment for Alzheimer's
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a potential alternative treatment for Alzheimer's. It is an antioxidant, which means that it fights free radicals. Free radicals are thought to have a negative effect upon genetic material and the composition of cells. Damage from free radicals is thought to help lead to the development of Alzheimer's. Vitamin C may be used to help prevent free radical damage in the brain.
Vitamin E
Another alternative treatment for Alzheimer's is vitamin E. Vitamin E, like vitamin C, is an antioxidant and is also thought to protect the brain from free radical damage. Vitamin E in high doses can improve function some but is not believed to affect cognitive abilities. Vitamin E's properties may be enhanced when combined with vitamin C. Keep in mind that large doses of vitamin E can have side effects and may interact with other medications, so consult with a doctor prior to taking.
Lemon Balm
Lemon balm (melissa officinalis) can be used as an alternative treatment for Alzheimer's. Although it will not cure Alzheimer's, lemon balm has been used for the purpose of improving memory. It is thought that lemon balm improves memory by binding to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and enhancing the activity of it. Acetylcholine helps with learning and memory and also sends messages from motor nerves to muscles. Lemon balm is thought to improve the ability to learn, retain information and retrieve information. Lemon balm has no known significant side effects.
Ginko Biloba
Gingko biloba is another possible alternative treatment for Alzheimer's that is believed to improve the function of the brain. It is thought that ginko biloba is an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. It also claims to increase blood flow and circulation to the brain. Ginko biloba may also help stop the growth of beta-amyloid, which is a protein that develops amyloid plagues in the brains of Alzheimer's patients. Possible side effects for ginko biloba include reactions to anesthesia and issues with clotting.