Definition of Senile Dementia
The Facts
Senile dementia is a disease caused by degeneration of the brain cells. It is a part of the overall disease of dementia which affects 6.8 million people in the US, with 1.8 million having serious complications. Elderly people are more susceptible to developing senile dementia and family history could also be a factor. The disease damages brain tissue and its functions deteriorate. Although it is believed that half of the population over 85 experiences dementia, this condition is found in younger adults.
Symptoms and Causes
There are many symptoms that can present themselves as signs of senile dementia. Some include memory loss, trouble speaking or understanding others, trouble with regular everyday activities, declining ability to recognize objects or others, poor judgment and rapidly changing moods. There are many diseases that can cause this mental condition. Senile dementia is usually derived from other brain degenerating diseases such as Alzheimer's, Huntingdon and Parkinson's disease. It can also be a result from HIV, multiple sclerosis and Pick's disease which affects other parts of the body.
Treating senile dementia depends on what is causing the condition. If it stems from conditions such as depression or vitamin B12 and niacin deficiencies, then seeking medical attention to treat those ailments can help with the dementia. However, there are no treatments medically for senile dementia if it is a result of a condition that causes brain degeneration. Being aware and taking care of the person with this type of senile dementia is the best treatment available.
Not all dementia and age related diseases are the same. Many have the same symptoms such as memory loss, poor judgment and changing personality but come from different areas of the body. HIV, thiamine deficiency and chronic alcohol and drug abuse are conditions that originate in other parts of the body which can cause senile dementia. It will be futile to treat senile dementia in someone who has Parkinson's the same as you would with someone with HIV.
Many elderly people who have senile dementia is a danger to those around them and to themselves. People who think they are not experiencing symptoms of senile dementia continue to drive, walk alone, and stay by themselves. If you notice someone showing any signs of this disease, it is best to have them checked out. With no known treatment for dementia caused by some of the more common brain degenerating diseases, it is imperative that they have someone to care for them at all times.