What Are the Health Benefits of Cat's Claw?
Cat's claw is a vine herb native to South America. It's bark and root are used to make teas and powdered supplements. Natives of South America have used Cat's claw throughout history to cure just about every ailment that came their way. For many years science ignored Cat's claw, saying claims that it can cure or prevent illness are untrue. In recent times, however, scientists have begun looking more closely at the herb and are finding that it does live up to some of its claims.
Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's disease affects the elderly. It leaves them confused as they lose short term memory. Over time, Alzheimer's patients begin to lose their long term memory as well, forgetting familiar faces and information. The National Institute on Aging is in the process of researching the possibility of using Cat's claw to slow down the process of Alzheimer's and the deterioration of the brain. Although no human studies have been conducted thus far, a study on rats by Alan Snow of the University of Washington in Seattle has had great success in proving that brain deterioration was slowed or stopped by use of Cat's claw.
Natural Birth Control
Cat's claw has been used in South America to prevent pregnancy for many years with great success. There is no scientific evidence to back up this claim because not much research has been done. The only evidence is the South Americans who were able to avoid pregnancy taking this supplement. Because Cat's claw can also cause miscarriage, it is thought that the herb creates an unfavorable environment in the uterus. It does not prevent an egg from being fertilized, but rather it prevents a fertilized egg from attaching itself to the uterus.
Cat's claw is used by some people to lessen the general aches and pains associated with arthritis. While science is uneasy about these claims, there has been some research that shows it is possible that Cat's claw may reduce inflammation in the joints. These tests have only been conducted in test tubes, however, and not on real people. One such study done in 1990 by Dr. M. De Vos showed that Cat's claw does have an effect on inflammation.
Overall Health
People have claimed that Cat's claw cures, prevents and eases about every disease imaginable. Ulcers, asthma, cancer, HIV, immune system disorders, kidney health and more are claimed to be helped by taking Cat's claw. Unfortunately, there have been very few clinical trials and there is a lack of hard evidence for many of these claims. With more people demanding natural cures, in the future scientists will most likely begin serious research on the possibilities of Cat's claw.