How to Prevent Alzeimer's Disease
Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative condition that affects the elderly. It is the number one cause for dementia in older people. Therefore, there has been a rising concern in the population to develop ways of reducing risks of the disease. There is no cure for Alzheimer's disease, but there are ways to exercise the brain and stay healthy, preventing the rapid development of neurodegenerative disorders. These few steps give you ways to prevent chances of Alzheimer's disease development.Instructions
Enroll in higher education. The more synapses you create in the brain, the more reserves you'll have when you age. Synapses are formed from exercising the brain such as puzzles, books and learning. Although you can exercise the brain without studying, people with higher education exercise their brain for longer periods of time and develop synapses at younger ages.
Lower cholesterol and blood pressure. There is a link between cardiovascular health and risks of Alzheimer's disease. Keeping your heart healthy plays a role in keeping the mind healthy. Exercise and low-cholesterol diets improve blood circulation to the brain and the heart, keeping them oxygenated.
Maintain a low-fat diet. Researchers at the Université Laval have linked high, fatty diets with increased risks of Alzheimer's disease. Eat foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids such as flaxseed, canola oil and fish.