How to Set Up Assisted Living
Things You'll Need
- Social Security benefits application
- Medicaid application
- HUD application
- Furniture floor plan
- Moving plan
- Moving truck
The Process
Discuss the type of assisted living facility a senior might want to live in; get in touch with an attorney specializing in elderly care and law---if the senior is not capable of making his own decisions regarding the issue---to determine what you can do in terms of setting up assisted living services.
Contact local living assistance facilities to tour the facilities; bring seniors to the facility if they are capable of assessing the facility or go alone to determine how care is offered at the location. Make an appointment to discuss fees for room, board, medicines, food and care.
Assess the senior's budget to determine what he can afford to pay toward assisted living expenses. Help the senior apply for Social Security benefits if finances are an issue to help defray assisted living costs.
Help the senior apply for government supported Medicaid assistance to see if the service can help defray assisted living costs.
Contact the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to determine if the senior(s) are eligible based on the guidelines of the program. Fill out the application for the senior(s), gather up necessary documentation and apply for the program if the senior(s) are within eligibility guidelines.
Examine the rooms offered at an assisted living facility to see how they are laid out; if you or the senior selects the facility, develop a floor plan of how you will arrange furniture in the room. Create a floor plan that provides safe and practical livability for the senior without narrow passageways, narrow traffic ways and an easy to maintain layout.
Provide the assisted living facility with the necessary paperwork, sign any agreements necessary and provide the initiation payment for senior care.
Rent a moving truck on the day of the move; situate furniture as designed in your floor plan for maximum safety and comfort. Help the senior unpack and get settled into the assisted living facility.
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