The Effects of Seroquel on Dementia Patients
Seroquel is an FDA-approved medication to treat bipolar disorder. It is touted as a mood-stabilizing drug to level the highs and lows of bipolar disorder. It is believed that Seroquel may regulate the chemical imbalances in the brain. Some side effects of Seroquel include drowsiness, constipation, weight gain, dizziness and weakness.
Dementia is the loss of mental functions such as thinking, reasoning and memory. These symptoms become so severe that it interferes with daily living. Dementia can be caused by Alzheimer's disease, drug and alcohol abuse, medication side effects, chemical imbalances and other illnesses.
Seroquel has not been approved as a medication to treat dementia. A study reported by the British Medical Journal in 2005, found that Seroquel worsened dementia in elderly patients. Another side effect of Seroquel use is a condition called Seroquel Anger, which is an inability to control one's temper because of the use of Seroquel. This condition is highly prevalent in elderly adults.
There are several law firms involved in class action lawsuits against AstraZeneca, the maker of Seroquel. The lawsuits allege illegal marketing and fraud and that AstraZeneca was aware of the numerous dangers associated with Seroquel but did not advise the public.
Please consult a doctor before taking Seroquel or any other medications for dementia.